Monthly Support Group 3/29/2022
Imposter syndrome
Body image & dysmorphia
- How we feel on the inside about how we look on the outside
- Ie: acne, scarring, baldness, missing teeth, braces, patients with mastectomies, cardiac patients with implantable devices
- People on the higher end of BMI and people who are underweight tend to have higher dissatisfaction scores (on the spectrum)
- Higher dissatisfaction in Caucasian population
- Gymnasts, swimmers have higher body image disturbance
Body dysmorphia
- Frequent body checking
- Constant assurance from others with their appearance
- Avoidance of being in public because of judgment
- Affects thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
Disqualifying the positive:
- Take out the words “just” or “only” when saying something positive
Non-scale victories
- Gain functionality: going up the stairs
- Chasing my kid around without pain
- Crossing legs
- Driving comfortably with more space in the seat
- Flying without a seatbelt extender
- Using the drawstring on shorts to keep them up
- Wearing a smaller sized jumpsuit
B-Student Mentality
- Encouraging regular follow-up with providers
- Patients who attend 5+ support groups in a year, tend to do better with their health goals
Gail, Alicia, Nicole, and Bob
Website Resources
- Great activities to do
Positive Self-Talk Exercise
- 5 Positive Statements About My Body
- 5 Positive Statements About Me (Not Related to My Appearance)
Have A Follow-Up Question?
Dr. Nini Peterson
Licensed Clinical Psychologist