Struggling With Pain And Depend On Regular Pain Medications For Help?

Here are a list of questions I’d like you to answer “yes” or “no” to:
- Do you have painful joints, low back pain, and/or arthritis?
- Do you rely on “NSAIDs” (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for pain relief? (Ie: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, etc.)
- Have you been prescribed NSAIDs continuously for > 30 days by your Orthopedist, Primary Care Provider, or Rheumatologist?
- Have you had the gastric bypass surgery?
- Are you male?
- Do you smoke?
- Do you have diabetes?
- Are you on immunosuppressive medications?
How many of these questions did you answer “Yes” to?
Unfortunately, if you answered “Yes” to a lot of these questions, you could be putting yourself at serious risk for a stomach ulcer.

In gastric bypass patients, stomach ulcers – otherwise referred to as “peptic ulcers”- can carry a complication rate of 0.6-25% after this surgery.
Risk factors for the development of peptic (or marginal) ulcers in weight loss surgery patients include being of the male gender, smoking, and regularly using NSAID medications.
Additional risk factors include diabetes, being on immunosuppressive medication, increased stomach acid exposure, and a previous history of stomach ulcers.
Taking NSAIDs after weight loss surgery is not recommended.
Unfortunately, other specialists lack awareness of the increased risk of ulcers that can form in those who have had bariatric surgery- especially patients who have had the gastric bypass. Common specialists who prescribe these medications are Primary Care Providers, Orthopedists and Rheumatologists.
Continuous usage of NSAIDs > 30 days will dramatically increases your risk of developing a peptic ulcer- especially if you have had the Roux en Y Gastric Bypass.
The occasional NSAID here and there (and in those who have had the sleeve) is less of a threat.
In Summary,
If you are male, have had the gastric bypass, smoke, and depend on daily use of NSAIDs (ie: Motrin, Aleve, Aspirin, ibuprofen etc.) for pain relief, you are at a very high risk for developing ulcers in your stomach. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not recommended after weight loss surgery. As always – be sure to speak with your Bariatric team, PCP, Orthopedist, and/or Rheumatologist prior to making any adjustments to your medications.
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