October BINGO 10/04/21
This support group was geared toward preparing ourselves for the coming onslaught of holidays and festivities that are associated with the fall season.
Coaches Maggie and Kate have put together a fun activity that will hit on accountability while doing seasonal activities (both physical and mental activities).
The “October Bingo Board” will focus on health, nutrition, mindset, and goals. There will be an attached sheet to further explain what each square’s task entails (some things involve posting pictures for evidence in the Accountability Forum).
***When you get a traditional bingo (5 spots horizontal, vertical or diagonal), the WINNERS will get to join a special 3-week PRIVATE accountability group for extra support over the Thanksgiving holiday!
We also touched on “Food Aversion” and how that can ultimately be detrimental to our physical and mental diet wars.
– Avoiding eating whole food groups because of the physical effects that bariatric patients can experience after surgery is not ideal in the long run
– If certain foods don’t sit well, it’s ok to find an alternative, but cutting too many foods out of your diet, or NOT EATING AT ALL, can lead to anorexia.
- Good sources for free meditation: Mindfulness (10 free 10-minute meditations that you can play over and over
- Netflix – Intro to Meditation series to watch (great for meditators of all stages)
*****Bonus Side Note –> Coming soon for purchase, get your very own copy of “Banana Babble Book: Slang for the Bari World” signed, sealed, and delivered. Publishing Date: TBD, please wait for further instruction….. ;D